It’s spring! This is the perfect time of the year to learn about the life cycle of various animals. This butterfly life cycle craft is a great way to learn about and reinforce the various stages of this insect’s life.
This craft makes use of various types of pasta and rice to symbolize the stages of the life cycle. If you don’t want to use those, try using some simple craft supplies like pipe cleaners, beads, and pompoms. Or give the kids some play dough and let them form the shapes themselves.

Butterfly Life Cycle Craft
Supplies needed:

large white paper plate
Black marker
Green construction paper
Brown construction paper
Blue construction paper
White rice
Pasta: Rotini, shell, bow tie


Divide the paper plate into four sections using a ruler and black marker.

Cut out a leaf using green construction paper. Glue it to a section of the paper plate. Glue rice on top (eggs.)

Cut a branch out of the brown construction paper as well as a small green leaf. Glue to the next section of the paper plate. Glue a rotini noodle on the branch (caterpillar.)

In the third section, cut out and glue another brown branch. Glue a shell from the branch (chrysalis.)

In the final section, glue the bow tie pasta (butterfly).

Label each section with a marker: eggs, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly.

Draw arrows to each section.
Cut a rectangle out of a blue piece of construction paper and glue it in the center of the paper plate. Write “Life Cycle of a Butterfly.”